After a long day of business, travel or sightseeing, relax in our comfortable rooms arranged to give the sensation of feeling at home. Take advantage of the free Wi-Fi available in all rooms and in the public areas. Hotel Rey, Buenos Aires wishes to provide everything you need to enjoy your dream holiday. We wil be waiting for you!
At Hotel Rey you will find the comfort and rest you need, surrounded by amenities and services of top quality. Every detail is designed to make your stay a unique and enjoyable moment.
- Wi-Fi in rooms and public areas
- Phone
- Alarm clock
- Parking
- Air Conditioning / Heating
- TV
- Fax, mail, e-mail
- Tourist Information
- Recreation Information for children and adults
- Amenities
- Sommier *
- Room Service
- Newspaper
- Central Safe
- Laundry
- Trained Personnel
* Only superior quality rooms.